%0 Journal Article %T Écrire sa mort au quotidien, un vice absurde (à propos du Métier de vivre de Cesare Pavese) %A Rougé, Dominique %J Romanica Cracoviensia %V Tom 8 (2008) %N Tom 8, Numer 1 %P 175-184 %@ 1732-8705 %D 2008 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/romanica-cracoviensia/artykul/ecrire-sa-mort-au-quotidien-un-vice-absurde-a-propos-du-metier-de-vivre-de-cesare-pavese %X The author poroposes the reading of C. Pavese’s diaries, as notes of his autodestruction. The interpretation is based mostly on the reference to psychology and psychoanalisis.