%0 Journal Article %T Żydzi wileńscy w świetle archiwaliów medycznych z I połowy XIX wieku %A Magowska, Anita %J Studia Judaica %V 2017 %R 10.4467/24500100STJ.17.012.8247 %N Nr 2 (40) %P 265-286 %K Żydzi wileńscy, choroby Żydów aszkenazyjskich, chirurdzy żydowscy, lekarze żydowscy, historia medycyny %@ 1506-9729 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/zydzi-wilenscy-w-swietle-archiwaliow-medycznych-z-i-polowy-xix-wieku %X The article focuses on the registers of patients of the surgical units of the Imperial University of Vilna and the Medical-Surgical Academy in Vilna as interesting sources for the history of Ashkenazi Jews in the city, especially their everyday existence and diseases. Personal data from these registers were analyzed and compared in order to identify the most common health problems and gather some information about patients’ occupations. Jewish medical practitioners have been presented as well. Altogether the dynamics of social changes within the Jewish community of Vilna in the first half of the nineteenth century was assessed as rather slow.