%0 Journal Article %T Ośrodek Badań Prasoznawczych jak go pamiętam – etos, patos, logos %A Goban-Klas, Tomasz %J Zeszyty Prasoznawcze %V 2017 %R 10.4467/22996362PZ.17.003.6769 %N Tom 60, Numer 1 (229) %P 21-28 %K Press Research Centre, Polish press research, Polish media studies – history %@ 0555-0025 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/osrodek-badan-prasoznawczych-jak-go-pamietam-etos-patos-logos %X The Press Research Center in Cracow, as I remember it – ethos, pathos and logos Three Greek words describe the features of the Press Research Center’s (OBP) activity. Some of its concrete content changed, but it always developed and strengthened the following characteristics, which had already been formed at the very beginning of PRC’s existence. Ethos – OBP was a child of the so-called Polish October 1956 (the first revolt of Polish workers and intellectuals) – and in that sense it was oriented on improving – through credible research – journalism and the press. Pathos (not pathetic!) means esprit de corps, engagement, identification with the team, strengthening identity, the spirit of companionship. For years a voluntary principle of the authority of the director had been adapted – at first, of the director Irena Tetelowska, and then Professor Walery Pisarek. Their ideas were influential and focused scientific and social consciousness of researchers. Logos, here means reason, knowledge, analysis, research. For the PRC, the empirical approach was the basis, in various dimensions – studying press readership and conducting public opinion research, first according to the French school of Jean Stoetzel, later to American Paul Lazarfeld, and analysis of content according to French designs by Jacques Kayser and American Bernard Berelson. Documentation is the basis of logos – the PRC library, the archives of research, not only its own, and annotated bibliography of Polish media research and from neighboring countries.