%0 Journal Article %T Allein auf weiter Flur? Die indogermanische Pronominalflexion im typologischen Vergleich %A Brosch, Cyril %J Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis %V 2013 %R 10.4467/20834624SL.13.003.1134 %N Volume 130, Issue 2 %P 51-62 %K typology, Indo-European, pronominal inflection, allomorphy %@ 1897-1059 %D 2013 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-linguistica-uic/artykul/allein-auf-weiter-flur-die-indogermanische-pronominalflexion-im-typologischen-vergleich %X Alone in the dark? The Indo-European pronominal inflection from a typological point of view The article gives an outline of the inflectional peculiarities of Proto-Indo-European and its daughter languages, comparing it with unrelated languages, which show hardly any parallels to its pronominal inflection. The latter, constituting a functionally unmotivated divergence from the nominal paradigms, is presented as a probably recent development, which on the other side later leads to a levelling of nominal and pronominal endings in many Indo-European languages, although in some of them inflectional differences may persist until the present day. It is argued that the fusional morphosyntax of Indo- European faciliates linguistic changes of that kind.