@article{ece4c6fb-f59b-45f9-a6ee-de0a18a80866, author = {Małgorzata Szałucka}, title = {Geograficzna lokalizacja spółek bezpośredniego inwestowania polskich przedsiębiorstw w kontekście podnoszenia konkurencyjności organizacji}, journal = {International Business and Global Economy}, volume = {2014}, number = {Tom 33}, year = {2015}, issn = {2300-6102}, pages = {430-443},keywords = {foreign direct investment; location advantage; competitiveness; developed countries; developing countries}, abstract = {The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of foreign direct investment of Polish enterprises on their competitiveness as well as to identify areas of greatest benefits from an international involvement in the form of FDI depending on the location of foreign affiliates. The article presents the results of a research carried out in 2012 through direct interviews among Polish companies – direct investors. Results revealed that the activity of Polish enterprises in the form of FDI has a positive influence on their competitiveness and the FDI impact is considered to be dependent on the location of a foreign affiliate only in relation to competitors in foreign markets. In addition, the benefits of internationalization, identified by the surveyed companies, vary in the cases of developed and developing countries.}, doi = {10.4467/23539496IB.13.031.2416}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/geograficzna-lokalizacja-spolek-bezposredniego-inwestowania-polskich-przedsiebiorstw-w-kontekscie-podnoszenia-konkurencyjnosci-organizacji} }