%0 Journal Article %T Łukasz Jan Korporowicz. Prawo rzymskie w Anglii w XVIII wieku. Nauczanie, studia, nauka. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2019, stron 237 %A Halberda, Jan %J Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa %V Tom 14 (2021) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.21.010.13277 %N Tom 14, Zeszyt 1 %P 123-125 %K Roman law, English law, teaching law; prawo rzymskie, prawo angielskie, nauczanie prawa %@ 2084-4115 %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/lukasz-jan-korporowicz-prawo-rzymskie-w-anglii-w-xviii-wieku-nauczanie-studia-nauka-lodz-wydawnictwo-uniwersytetu-lodzkiego-2019-stron-237 %X Łukasz Jan Korporowicz. Roman Law in Eighteenth-Century England. Teaching, Studying, Scholarship. Łódź: Lodz University Press, 2019, 237 Pages This review presents a book recently authored by Łukasz Jan Korporowicz on the presence of Roman law in eighteenth century England. The book is divided into five chapters that deal with following issues: 1) teaching of ius civile in Oxbridge, 2) teaching of ius civile outside the universities, 3) the study of Roman law and obtaining formal degrees, 4) the impact of civil lawyers on the socio-political environment of England, and finally, 5) literature on Roman law.