%0 Journal Article %T The Possible Significance of Sensorimotor Synchronisation in Modern Postural Yoga Practice %A Ciołkosz, Matylda %J Studia Religiologica %V 2015 %R 10.4467/20844077SR.15.024.4763 %N Tom 48, Numer 4 %P 327-340 %K Cognitive Science of Religion, enactivism, social cognition, sensorimotor synchronisation, sensorimotor entrainment, ritual competence, Modern Postural Yoga ; religioznawstwo kognitywne, enaktywizm, poznanie społeczne, synchronizacja sensomotoryczna, porwanie sensomotoryczne, kompetencja rytualna, nowoczesna joga posturalna %@ 0137-2432 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/the-possible-significance-of-sensorimotor-synchronisation-in-modern-postural-yoga-practice %X The aim of the paper is to discuss the possible role of sensorimotor synchronisation in Modern Postural Yoga (MPY) āsana ritual. The hypothesis is that such synchronisation contributes to the subjective efficacy of MPY practice and facilitates the transmission of doctrinal concepts related to it. Grounding the discussion in the enactive paradigm, the author describes the phenomenon of sensorimotor synchronisation and the mechanisms responsible for its emergence. The ritual character of MPY āsana practice is then accounted for, based on McCauley and Lawson’s theory of ritual competence. A discussion of forms of synchronisation occurring during āsana ritual follows, with a special focus on Iyengar Yoga. The author then suggests the possible influence of such synchronisation on the perceived effectiveness of the practice and on the acceptance of certain religio-philosophical notions.