%0 Journal Article %T WORD ORDER OF REFLEXIVE SĚ IN FINITE VERB PHRASES IN THE FIRST EDITION OF THE OLD CZECH BIBLE TRANSLATION (PART I) %A Kosek, Pavel %A Navrátilová, Olga %A Čech, Radek %A Mačutek, Ján %J Studia Linguistica Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis %V 2018 %R 10.4467/20834624SL.18.016.8852 %N Volume 135, Issue 3 %P 177-188 %K enclitic, clitic third, heavy constituent constraint, development of the Czech language, Bible translations %@ 1897-1059 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-linguistica-uic/artykul/word-order-of-reflexive-se-in-finite-verb-phrases-in-the-first-edition-of-the-old-czech-bible-translation-part-i %X The paper deals with the word order of reflexive sě, which is an item on the boundary between a pronominal form and a discrete morpheme. In the first part of the study, we investigate the (en)clitic status of sě in eight books of the oldest complete Czech Bible translation. The analysis focuses only on sě that is dependent on a finite verb: it identifies all possible word order positions of sě in a clause and interprets them in the light of the main competing positions of Czech (en)clitics during the development of the language: 1. the postinitial position, i.e. when an (en)clitic is located after first word/phrase; 2. the contact (verb-adjacent) position, i.e. when an (en)clitic is located immediately before (preverbal position) or after (postverbal position) its syntactically or morphologically superordinate item.