%0 Journal Article %T Macht und Ohnmacht. Zu Erscheinungsformen häuslicher Gewalt bei Birgit Vanderbeke und Bastienne Voss %A Szmorhun, Arletta %J Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten %V 2013 %R 10.4467/23534893ZG.14.023.1681 %N Zeszyt 3 (2013) %P 271-280 %K family, violence, gender hierarchy, Birgit Vanderbeke, Bastienne Voss %@ 2353-656X %D 2014 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeitschrift-des-verbandes-polnischer-germanisten/artykul/macht-und-ohnmacht-zu-erscheinungsformen-hauslicher-gewalt-bei-birgit-vanderbeke-und-bastienne-voss %X The aim of the article is to analyze Birgit Vanderbeke‘s and Bastienne Voss‘ writings, focusing on family as a social space characterized by violence. The male (the grandfather or the father) exists in this context as a figure influencing the proper functioning of family life destructively. Orders, bans, threats, as well as physical and psychical violence act as instruments of exercising power, whose main purpose is to have others subordinate to the values, views and norms of conduct determined by the head of the family.