%0 Journal Article %T Nekromarketing towarów kultury w serwisie aukcyjnym Allegro.pl. Przypadki Violetty Villas i Ireny Jarockiej %A Laberschek, Marcin %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843976ZK.12.007.0621 %N Tom 13, Numer 2 %P 139-152 %K nekromarketing, nekromarketing w kulturze, produkt kultury, nekromarketing produktów kultury, sprzedaż produktów kultury, marketing kultury %@ 1896-8201 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/nekromarketing-towarow-kultury-w-serwisie-aukcyjnym-allegro-pl-przypadki-violetty-villas-i-ireny-jarockiej %X Necromarketing of cultural product in the auction portal Allegro.pl. The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka Necromarketing perceived as any activity of an organization, which uses human death to achieve its own aims, demonstrates two features: willfulness and extravagance. The following paper „Necromarketing of cultural product in the auction portal Allegro.pl. The cases of Violetta Villas and Irena Jarocka” delineates the theoretical spheres of necromarketing activity, focusing nonetheless on how it is used by salesmen from Allegro.pl portal with the aim of intensifying the sales of cultural products. For some salesmen the death of Violetta Villas in December 2011 and Irena Jarocka in January 2012 became an occasion to achieve extra profits, especially financial ones. This paper presents an array of arguments which confirm the assumption that certain salesmen conduct willful necromarketing activities and that such behavior is by no means exceptional.