%0 Journal Article %T Dynamika życia i statyka urządzeń społecznych (Leny Magnone „Konopnicka. Lustra i symptomy”) %A Małochleb, Paulina %J Wielogłos %V 2011 %R 10.4467/2084395XWI.12.025.0547 %N Numer 2 (10) 2011: Krytyka feministyczna – dokonania i perspektywy %P 139-145 %K Maria Konopnicka, pozytywizm, krytyka feministyczna, psychoanaliza %@ 1897-1962 %D 2011 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/wieloglos/artykul/dynamika-zycia-i-statyka-urzadzen-spolecznych-leny-magnone-konopnicka-lustra-i-symptomy %X THE DYNAMICS OF LIFE AND THE STATICS OF SOCIAL INSTRUMENTS (LENA MAGNONE “KONOPNICKA. MIRRORS AND SYMPTOMS”)  In her dissertation Magnone carries out a reinterpretation of Konopnicka’s writings in the light of feminist theories and post-Freudian psychoanalysis. The researcher focuses on the reception of the poetess’s work, so as to reject the existing directions of interpretation, as she notices in them symptoms of a male striving to dominate the discourse and a fear of a disturbing feminine perspective. She regards the social context, the influence of critics and the moves of Konopnicka herself as mirrors which limit the poetess, which conceal the truth about her life, which distort and imprison. Whereas the truth is liberated only thanks to what has been denied or ousted – the poetess’ complicated relations with her daughters and the twenty-year stay abroad caused by it; it is only the latter that put Konopnicka closer to the discovery of the truth about herself. Yet the authoress of the article points that the interpretation which is suggested by the Warsaw scholar constitutes a kind of mirror and limitation, for Magnone requires that Konopnicka’s entire non-feminist literary output should be rejected and that her writings should be interpreted in a way contrary to her own declarations