%0 Journal Article %T Wideotrening Komunikacji ćwierć wieku później. Rozwój Video Home Training/Video Interaction Guidance w pracy socjalnej, psychologii, pedagogice i medycynie %A Miś, Lucjan %J Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej %V 2019 %R 10.4467/24496138ZPS.19.024.12008 %N Tom 24, Numer 4 %P 283-296 %K Video Home Training, Video Interaction Guidance, family assistance, social work, supervision %@ 1507-4285 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-pracy-socjalnej/artykul/wideotrening-komunikacji-cwierc-wieku-pozniej-rozwoj-video-home-training-video-interaction-guidance-w-pracy-socjalnej-psychologii-pedagogice-i-medycynie %X Video Home Training/Video Interaction Guidance twenty‑five later. VHT/VIG development in social work, psychology, education and medicine Video Home Training (or Video Interaction Guidance, or Video Enhanced Reflective Practice) has a twenty five years of tradition in Western social services (especially the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Germany). In this article I want to present the development of this method in the last decades. It found application in the area of work with children and families, disabled people, peer groups, education al psychology and supervision of students and professionals. In the past, Polish social workers also benefited from VHT, which is why it is worth recalling his method and making it more popular and applied again.