@article{e11cd91f-7d25-40e1-b702-3fe1f587fbfd, author = {Włodzisław Duch}, title = {<p> Projekty MetaLab i ManyBabies. Metaanalizy w psychologii rozwojowej</p>}, journal = {Psychologia Rozwojowa}, volume = {2020}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.4467/20843879PR.20.001.11998}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {9-27},keywords = {psychologia rozwojowa; wczesne przyswajanie języka; metaanaliza; badania nad niemowlętami; rozróżnianie samogłosek / developmental psychology; early language acquisition; meta-analysis; infancy research; vowel discrimination}, abstract = {<p> <strong>MetaLab and the ManyBabies Projects. Meta-Analysis in Developmental Psychology</strong></p> <p> Psychological research has a serious problem with replicability. Several collaborative replication initiatives in cognitive and social psychology try to address such issues. Situation in developmental research is exceptionally challenging due to the difficulties in performing experiments, limitation of objective measurement methods, and small samples. The ManyBabies project is a multi-laboratory large-scale effort that gives a chance to provide more robust, replicable results in infancy research. After a brief discussion of the problems in psychological research the ManyBabies project is introduced and the MetaLab tools for statistical analysis of collaborative data at the meta-level are presented, using two examples in early language acquisition that are of particular interest to our lab: native and non-native vowel discrimination. </p> <div id="cke_pastebin"> Badania sfinansowane w ramach projektu „NeuroPerKog: rozwój słuchu fonematycznego i pamięci</div> <div id="cke_pastebin"> roboczej u niemowląt i dzieci” ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie</div> <div id="cke_pastebin"> umowy nr UMO-2013/08/W/HS6/00333.</div>}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/projekty-metalab-i-manybabies-metaanalizy-w-psychologii-rozwojowej} }