@article{dd06b7a1-2c3a-434a-b0e8-153cfd2da0b8, author = {Artur Trudzik}, title = {Strategie genologiczne krajowej prasy muzycznej w latach 70. XX w. (jazz, rock, pop) }, journal = {Zeszyty Prasoznawcze}, volume = {2019}, number = {Tom 62, Numer 4 (240)}, year = {2019}, issn = {0555-0025}, pages = {205-220},keywords = {music press; Polish press in the 20th and 21st century; journalistic genres; jazz; rock; pop}, abstract = {The Genological Strategies in the Music Press in Poland in the 1970s (jazz, rock, pop) The music press in Poland in the 1970s in terms of genology was “stable”, nomen omen as well as the definition of the whole decade. No major genre and genre transformations were observed at that time, but the aim of the article was not to justify the revolution taking place in the 1970s, as it   was simply not the case (it took place in the 1980s and during the political transformations), but the aim was to find missing pieces of the image of the music press (rock, jazz, pop) in research and literature. In general, the editors presented similar genealogical strategies and structural concepts, but – as this analysis has shown – this segment was not homogeneous: the first genological experiments and innovative content (e.g., the first experiments in the field of rock, jazz, pop, etc.). The first genological experiments and inno-vative content (e.g. punk rock) in Non Stop magazine, the minimal interest in music behind the Iron Curtain (Jazz Forum magazine), the thoroughly modern structure of Musicorama magazineor the specific concept of Synkopa – Klub Miłośników Piosenki magazines rarely practiced in the press with this orientation, confirm that the knowledge about journalism and music media, without the data presented in this article, would be incomplete and lack logical continuity.}, doi = {10.4467/22996362PZ.19.053.11057}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/strategie-genologiczne-krajowej-prasy-muzycznej-w-latach-70-xx-w-jazz-rock-pop} }