@article{db68a7f0-4fe2-467c-acfd-7a099a44738b, author = {Maciej Mikuła}, title = {Source Editions of Municipal Law in Poland (14th–16th Century): A Proposal for an Electronic Metaedition of Normative Source Material}, journal = {Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa}, volume = {Special Issues}, number = {Zeszyt specjalny, wersja anglojęzyczna 2018}, year = {2018}, issn = {2084-4115}, pages = {85-110},keywords = {MSS source editions; Kingdom of Poland; the Magdeburg Weichbild; the Sachsenspiegel; Ius municipale; records of municipal law; Magdeburg; Kraków; inheritance}, abstract = {Extant editions of municipal criminal court records from the 16th–17th century provide ample evidence of the proceedings that relied heavily on of written law and of attorneys often invoking the authority of lawyer authors. These observations add extra weight to the postulate of preparing new, critical editions of sources for the study of municipal law in medieval and Early Modern Poland. They should encompass both the German and the Polish text of the Magdeburg Weichbild, the Sachsenspiegel, urban statutes known as wilkierze (Willkür), and the records of judgements (ortyle, Urteile) of the Higher Court of German Law at the Wawel Royal Castle. The texts of the Magdeburg Weichbild, the Sachsenspiegel should be reprinted in extenso – at best by selecting one text representative of each of the main versions (MS branches) to be identified in the course of preliminary researches. To ensure that all the texts are readily available to interested scholars equipped with up-to-date research tools it is recommended that paper or e-book editions be supplemented with matching database online editions.}, doi = {10.4467/20844131KS.18.033.9121}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/source-editions-of-municipal-law-in-poland-14th-16th-century-a-proposal-for-an-electronic-metaedition-of-normative-source-material} }