@article{d80186cb-19ed-4594-a6ad-489ca833d8e6, author = {Sławomira Sadowska}, title = {Polityka oświatowa w rozwiązywaniu kwestii kształcenia uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami (1989–2016)}, journal = {Niepełnosprawność}, volume = {2016}, number = {Nr 22 (2016)}, year = {2016}, issn = {2080-9476}, pages = {13-36},keywords = {reforma oświaty; uczeń z niepełnosprawnością; kształcenie specjalne; polityka oświatowa / educational reform; pupil with disability; special education; education policy}, abstract = {The educational policy in solving the issue of education of pupils with disabilities (1989-2016) The educational reform in Poland after the political change in 1989, in addition to the changes in the structure of the education system with the introduction of a new school system, included the reform of the program, a change in the organization of education, the creation of an independent system of assessment and examination, a change in the methods of administration and supervision, the identification of new rules for funding schools, remuneration, and the promotional paths of the teaching staff. The general facts, forming a kind of order for reform problems, have been treated by the Author as a background for a discussion on resolving the issues of the education of students with disabilities. The overview is aimed at recognizing the principles of the educational policy in regards to the field of special education. The statements, decisions, and action facts of the set of people involved in the implementation of changes, expose not only the public, but also the hidden ways of thinking of the central reformers, underlying in the contents’ foundations and targeted forms of educational change. The derivative of the applied mechanisms of shaping the educational system in the whole period of the reforms is a clear discrepancy between the assessments formulated by the officials and the assessments expressed by other interested persons in the school. The nature of the implemented changes in the field of special education has led to superficial adaptation of categories imported from foreign educational systems or other areas of social life that flow from the concept of standardization and integration. The extent of these changes has become a source of many distortions, the marginalization of disabled pupils and their teachers, where one clear example is the domain of external exams. In addition to the clerical intuition regarding the construction of external examinations for certain groups of people with disabilities, we can observe the clear marginalization of these groups of pupils and their teachers in informing about the educational requirements and the results of the exams.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/polityka-oswiatowa-w-rozwiazywaniu-kwestii-ksztalcenia-uczniow-z-niepelnosprawnosciami-1989-2016} }