@article{d61a7a76-e79d-431c-a721-4d5bc1098bea, author = {Magdalena Przedniczek}, title = {Porównanie skuteczności treningów poznawczych i sportowego: LEGO Mindstorms i komputer przydatne w usprawnianiu funkcji intelektualnych u dzieci w wieku szkolnym  }, journal = {Psychologia Rozwojowa}, volume = {2016}, number = {Tom 21, Numer 2}, year = {2016}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {87-100},keywords = {trening poznawczy; trening sportowy; funkcje intelektualne; wiek szkolny}, abstract = {Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive and sports training: LEGO Mindstorms and the computer useful in improving intellectual functioning in children of school age The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of working memory and attention training and sports training in improving intellectual functioning in children of school age. The participants of the study were pupils aged 10–12 (N=51). The DMI-2 Test in the group version for older kids (S) was used for diagnosis in pre- and posttest. Two groups participated in a cognitive training of two types: 1) a training based on computer cognitive tasks and mnemonics, 2) LEGO Mindstorms building and programming classes. The third group participated in sport (football) training. The training programmes lasted six weeks and included two 90-minute meetings per week. In the period between the pre- and posttest, all three training groups improved in terms of reasoning by analogy and refilling the system consisting of two similar pairs (class). However, only two groups: (1) using the computer cognitive tasks and (2) using LEGO bricks achieved significant changes in DMI-2 tasks involving completing 4-component systems (relations). The results can be used in designing training programmes for students with learning difficulties.}, doi = {10.4467/20843879PR.16.012.5090}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/porownanie-skutecznosci-treningow-poznawczych-i-sportowego-lego-mindstorms-i-komputer-przydatne-w-usprawnianiu-funkcji-intelektualnych-u-dzieci-w-wieku-szkolnym} }