%0 Journal Article %T Suspension of activities conducted in the form of a law firm of attorney-at-law in connection with taking care of a person with disabilities %A Małysa-Sulińska, Katarzyna %A Wujczyk, Marcin %J Radca Prawny %V 2022 %R 10.4467/23921943RP.22.039.16902 %N 2 (31) %P 343-356 %K ways of practicing the profession of an attorney-at-law; suspension of the activities conducted in the form of a law firm of attorney-at-law; types of benefits for a caregiver of a person with disabilities; not taking up or resigning from em-ployment or o %@ 2392-1943 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/suspension-of-activities-conducted-in-the-form-of-a-law-firm-of-attorney-at-law-in-connection-with-taking-care-of-a-person-with-disabilities %X The article analyzes normative regulations relating to the possibility of establishing the right to a benefit for a caregiver of a person with disabilities in the case of suspension of business activity conducted by an attorney-at-law. It outlines how to practice law as an attorney-at-law, suspend activities conducted in the form of a law firm of attorney-at-law, as well as types of benefits for a caregiver of a person with disabilities, and the premises determining those benefits