@article{d5c40dfb-1357-48d7-9e43-b3959361876c, author = {Monika Woźniak}, title = {Jak rozmawiać z kosmitami? Kilka uwag o tłumaczeniu lektorskim telewizyjnych fi lmów fantastyczno-naukowych (na przykładzie Star Trek)}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {2008}, number = {Numer 20 – O przekładzie audiowizualnym}, year = {2009}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {50-88},keywords = {}, abstract = {Within the relatively new fi eld of audiovisual translation studies, voice-over has been given very little attention and very little credit, even in Poland, where it is used extensively in TV translation of motion pictures. Similarly, the science-fi ction fi lm genre – especially its television form – is usually treated with some contempt and considered not worthy of serious research, except for sociological reasons. The two main issues discussed in this paper are: fi rstly, the ontological status of the s-f fi lm, the specifi city and function of its language and the general problems of its translation; secondly, the weaknesses and strengths of Polish voice-over practice, illustrated by the analysis of various Star Trek translations and compared with its dubbed and subtitled versions. The examination of the fi lm material leads to the conclusion that, in spite of the negative evaluation of voice-over by scholars, this translation practice has some potential. If fully exploited, it could offer a valid alternative to dubbing and subtitling techniques.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/jak-rozmawiac-z-kosmitami-kilka-uwag-o-tlumaczeniu-lektorskim-telewizyjnych-fi-lmow-fantastyczno-naukowych-na-przykladzie-star-trek} }