%0 Journal Article %T The Apostle by Sholem Asch as a Haggadic Midrash of The Book  of Acts and the Pauline Epistles  %A Sowińska, Maja %J Scripta Judaica Cracoviensia %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843925SJ.17.004.8173 %N Volume 15 %P 63-72 %K Sholem Asch, midrash, Apostle, New Testament, Pauline epistles %@ 1733-5760 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/scripta-judaica-cracoviensia/artykul/the-apostle-by-sholem-asch-as-a-haggadic-midrash-of-the-book-of-acts-and-the-pauline-epistles %X This article proposes that the second part of Sholem Asch’s christological trilogy—the novel The Apostle—be considered as a form of haggadic midrash of The Book of Acts and Pauline epistles. By giving certain examples, the author explains why the ‘midrash key’ differs in this case from a simple fictionalisation of New Testament texts—and further discusses what this reveals about the attitudes, expectations and desires of Asch himself.