%0 Journal Article %T W poszukiwaniu „rzeczy najmniejszych”. Notatki do etnografii nowych mediów   %A Sztandara, Magdalena %J Prace Etnograficzne %V 2014 %R 10.4467/22999558.PE.14.019.3548 %N Tom 42, Numer 4 %P 293-303 %K everyday, cultural practices, new media, ethnography %@ 0083-4327 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-etnograficzne/artykul/w-poszukiwaniu-rzeczy-najmniejszych-notatki-do-etnografii-nowych-mediow %X In search of „smallest thing”. Notes on the ethnography of new media The phenomenon of new media has been a subject of ongoing discussions for a years. On the one hand, they are still reveal many doubts and concerns related to their interpretation and description. On the other hand – has become a pretext for extended reflection on contemporary culture and communication strategies. Particularly important in this context seem to be stories about the meanings of new media in everyday use. Indeed new media are involved in everyday practice and experience of their users.