%0 Journal Article %T Nowa złożoność. Dialog de mokratyczny w warunkach transformacji cyfrowej %A Harasimiuk, Dominika Ewa %A Braun, Tomasz %J Przegląd Konstytucyjny %V 2021 %N Numer 4 (2021) %P 60-92 %K participatory democracy e-democracy citizens’ participation new technologies democratic dialogue digital transformation %@ 2544-2031 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przeglad-konstytucyjny/artykul/nowa-zlozonosc-dialog-de-mokratyczny-w-warunkach-transformacji-cyfrowej %X New Complexity. Democratic Dialogue in the Conditions of Digital Transformation Public governance could be seen within the triangle of interactions between public agencies, society, and technology. Members of society are more aware of their needs and expectations towards public institutions. It creates an augmented participatory pressure recognised by public organisations. Engaged civic participation is becoming a reality and the central concept in the debate around democratic dialogue and the involvement of citizens. New technologies play important role in enabling these processes. The perspective taken in this paper focuses on the ways in which digitalization and citizens' involvement contribute to complexity, what opportunities and downsides it may bring, and how the general scholarly debate on turbulence connects to the research on citizen participation. The civic engagement and participation are juxtaposed with existing turbulences, which may be rooted in internal organisational and structural challenges as well as in the external factors to large extent independent from the influence of the governance structures. The important dimension of turbulences impacting participation is also related to the multilevel complexity of current governing structures.