%0 Journal Article %T Twórcza adaptacja młodzieży z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną lekkiego stopnia - szansę jej dynamizowania %A Ozga, Anna %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2017 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.17.010.8086 %N Nr 25 (2017) %P 164-175 %K intellectual disability, creative adaptation, coping in difficult situations, assertive skills, life plans %@ 2080-9476 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/tworcza-adaptacja-mlodziezy-z-niepelnosprawnoscia-intelektualna-lekkiego-stopnia-szanse-jej-dynamizowania %X Chances to dynamise creative adaptation of young people with light level of intellectual disability The article describes the possibilities of dynamising the creative adaptation of young people with light intellectual disabilities, which is operationalised by questions: How do I deal with difficult situations? How do I express my needs and defend my rights? How does my future look like? The text is based on a pedagogical experiment, carried out according to the Solomon four-group design and involving two experimental groups and two control groups (n = 60). The results of psychoeducational activities that develop participants’ knowledge about themselves and others include: a significant increase in task-oriented strategies of coping in difficult situations and creation of richer visions of their own future.