%0 Journal Article %T Przywiązanie i satysfakcja z realizacji zadań rozwojowych w bliskich związkach a zachowania agresywne między partnerami %A Malina, Alicja %A Suwalska, Dorota %J Psychologia Rozwojowa %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.12.013.0462 %N Tom 17, Numer 2 %P 71-86 %K aggression, attachment, developmental tasks, early adulthood %@ 1895-6297 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/przywiazanie-i-satysfakcja-z-realizacji-zadan-rozwojowych-w-bliskich-zwiazkach-a-zachowania-agresywne-miedzy-partnerami %X Attachment and satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks in close relationships and aggressive behavior between partners The article presents research on the frequently observed problem of aggression and violence in relationship. The authors point out the role of represented attachment style for the quality of relationships of young adults and the appearance of aggressive behaviors. At the same time they suggest that the role overload that occurs during early adulthood may lead to lower satisfaction with the implementation of the developmental tasks of this period – which in turn may result in a tendency to aggressive behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific needs of young adults in partnership given their attachment style, satisfaction with the developmental tasks associated with family life and the expression of aggressive behavior. The main research problem was therefore the relationship between attachment style and the level of aggression and the relationship between the level of aggression and satisfaction with the implementation of developmental tasks. The study was conducted with the use of Kwestionariusz Stylów Przywiązaniowych (KSP) Mieczyslawa Plopy, Kwestionariusz Agresji (BPAQ) A. Buss and M. Perry and Skala Satysfakcji z Realizacji Zadań Rozwojowych (prepared by the authors). The study involved 45 pairs in different forms of relationship. The study confirmed the relationship between represented attachment style and the level of aggression and the relationship between satisfaction with the developmental tasks and the level of partners aggression towards each other.