@article{ccf3b6b2-2641-471e-ae89-f131dd10ce39, author = {Beata Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz, Anna M. Zalewska}, title = {Aktywność obywatelska polskiej młodzieży w relacji do innych Europejczyków i w zależności od fazy adolescencji}, journal = {Psychologia Rozwojowa}, volume = {2015}, number = {Tom 20, Numer 4}, year = {2015}, issn = {1895-6297}, pages = {11-23},keywords = {młodzież; etapy adolescencji; wymiary obywatelstwa; zachowania obywatelskie}, abstract = {Citizenship activity of polish youth in relation to other young europeans and adolescence stages In the article the essence and range of young people citizenship is discussed. Results of research on citizenship activity of Poles in relation to other young Europeans and to adolescence stages are presented. Referring to citizenship model by Zalewska and Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz (2011) 3796 adolescents aged 11, 14, 18 from 11 European countries including 361 Poles were examined with Citizenship Behavior Questionnaire. Young Poles in relation to other European adolescents have presented higher level of personal and social citizenship, of national identity and patriotism, but higher reluctance to politics and protests. Their involvement in personal and for change activity has been stable though their engagement into other forms of citizenship has decreased with age.}, doi = {10.4467/20843879PR.15.019.4462}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/aktywnosc-obywatelska-polskiej-mlodziezy-w-relacji-do-innych-europejczykow-i-w-zaleznosci-od-fazy-adolescencji} }