%0 Journal Article %T Przekład słowa, przekład obrazu. Myśl przekładoznawcza Elżbiety Tabakowskiej %A Rajewska, Ewa %J Przekładaniec %V 2016 %R 10.4467/16891864PC.16.019.6559 %N Numer 32 %P 330-337 %K Elżbieta Tabakowska, językoznawstwo kognitywne, przekładoznawstwo %@ 1425-6851 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/przeklad-slowa-przeklad-obrazu-mysl-przekladoznawcza-elzbiety-tabakowskiej %X The article discusses the book Myśl językoznawcza z myślą o przekładzie [Linguistic Thought with a Thought on Translation](2015)by Elżbieta Tabakowska – a selection of articles and essays written by the Polish doyenne of cognitive translation studies. Arranged by Piotr de Bończa Bukowski and Magda Heydel, the selection of her 18 texts (including 5 translations from English by Agnieszka Pokojska), published from 1991 to 2014, presents an evolution of the author’s translatological thought and interests. In her summa Elżbieta Tabakowska, the translator and popularizer of works by Ronald W. Langacker, combines scholarly disquisition with brilliant analyses of diverse texts: excerpts from Tadeusz Konwicki’s novel Kompleks polski and its translation The Polish Complex by Richard Lourie; poems by Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Seamus Heaney, Elizabeth Bishop, Wisława Szymborska and Ewa Lipska; prose by James Joyce, Norman Davies and Lewis Carroll as well as software training course materials and Polish religious texts exemplifying the Marian cult. Issues discussed in the book are among others: imagery, contouring, profiling, point of view, iconicity, equivalence, ethnogrammar, intersemiotic translation, Idealized Cognitive Models and typicality effects. Fascinating frangipanery.