TY - JOUR TI - Cechy osobowości jako mediator między strategiami reprodukcyjnymi związanymi z historią życia a światopoglądem. Moderacyjna rola płci " AU - Łukasik, Andrzej AU - Borawski, Dominik AU - Wołpiuk-Ochocińska, Anna TI - Cechy osobowości jako mediator między strategiami reprodukcyjnymi związanymi z historią życia a światopoglądem. Moderacyjna rola płci " AB - Personality Traits as a Mediator between Reproductive Life History Strategies and Worldview. The Moderating Role of Sex With regard to human, life history theory postulates the existence of a continuum of reproductive life history strategies (LHS): fast strategy–slow strategy. Earlier studies show that the personality dimensions of the Big Five and worldview are correlated with LHS. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that the dimensions of the Big Five are mediators between LHS and worldview. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the model in a sample of 259 participants; additionally, the moderating role of the sex variable was included. In accordance with the hypothesis, the dimensions of the Big Five turned out to be mediators between LHS and worldview. The analysis of moderated mediation showed a signifi cant role of the sex variable in the tested model. According to the assumptions of life history theory, this indicates the role of early childhood experiences in shaping the worldview, however, the role of sex in relation to the diversity of these experiences and their impact on shaping reproductive strategies requires further research VL - 2019 IS - Tom 24, Numer 1 PY - 2019 SN - 1895-6297 C1 - 2084-3879 SP - 53 EP - 70 DO - 10.4467/20843879PR.19.003.10594 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/cechy-osobowosci-jako-mediator-miedzy-strategiami-reprodukcyjnymi-zwiazanymi-z-historia-zycia-a-swiatopogladem-moderacyjna-rola-plci KW - life history strategies KW - Big Five KW - life history KW - worldview KW - strategie reprodukcyjne KW - wielka piątka KW - historia życia KW - światopogląd