@article{bb68543d-b6c7-484b-828d-20ca8dcfa256, author = {Jana A. Nováková}, title = {Prawosławie, czyli poszukiwanie własnej tożsamości przez mniejszość eklezjalną  na terenach Czechosłowacji}, journal = {Zarządzanie w Kulturze}, volume = {2016}, number = {Tom 17, Numer 3}, year = {2016}, issn = {1896-8201}, pages = {285-293},keywords = {prawosławie; Czechosłowacja; Ruś Podkarpacka; jurysdykcja; migracja; zmiany geopolityczne}, abstract = {Orthodoxy, or searching for identity by a church minority in Czechoslovakia In the 20th century, in the Czechoslovak territory the Orthodox constituted a variously numerous minority. The number of adherents depended, among others, on the shifting state borders. However, the geopolitical changes were not the only factor of influence, both in the identity construction and the way of its presentation. As for historical factors, there were also population flows (different types of migration), as for canonical factors, the changes in jurisdiction, and as for theological ones, mainly the bonds with particular centres of the Orthodox Church worldwide, the relation to the past and self-demarcation vis-à-vis the majority Catholic Church. The aim of this article is to attempt to systematize these factors.  }, doi = {10.4467/20843976ZK.16.018.5072}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/prawoslawie-czyli-poszukiwanie-wlasnej-tozsamosci-przez-mniejszosc-eklezjalna-na-terenach-czechoslowacji} }