@article{b2b00e1a-c744-4b40-8ab3-41e0509dacef, author = {Zdzisława Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, Sławomira Sadowska}, title = {Problemy związane z probolońskim kształceniem pedagogów i nauczycieli w Polsce}, journal = {Niepełnosprawność}, volume = {2016}, number = {Nr 23 (2016)}, year = {2016}, issn = {2080-9476}, pages = {13-31},keywords = {probolońskie kształcenie nauczycieli i pedagogów; problemy i kontrowersje; możliwości działań i rozwiązań naprawczych}, abstract = {The problems connected with the pro-bolognian education of pedagogues and teachers in Poland We consider the pro-bolognian changes that are being introduced in the fields of education of pedagogues and teachers to be highly problematic and controversial. These problems and controversies, in our view, are mainly related to the negative consequences of the modification of the model and scholastic-pedagogical curriculum, appointed by expected learning outcomes that are mandatorily adopted for implementation. No less important we consider the issue of limitations of the graduate’s competences, whose current scope and nature can be a hidden blocker for the development of science and research in subdisciplines of pedagogy. In the context of identified weaknesses, we will attempt to outline proposals for new, flexible solutions in the pro-bolognian education of pedagogues and teachers in Poland.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/problemy-zwiazane-z-probolonskim-ksztalceniem-pedagogow-i-nauczycieli-w-polsce} }