%0 Journal Article %T Zamówienia publiczne w Unii Europejskiej – analiza porównawcza procedur w wybranych państwach członkowskich %A Łapacz, Danuta %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2015 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.13.005.3978 %N Tom 34 %P 67-77 %K public procurement market, cross-border, European Union, directive, public procurement %@ 2300-6102 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/zamowienia-publiczne-w-unii-europejskiej-analiza-porownawcza-procedur-w-wybranych-panstwach-czlonkowskich %X Public procurement in the European Union: A comparative analysis of procedures in selected member states One of the essential dilemmas of the public procurement in the common market of the European Union is the problem of the so-called cross-border procurement, which urges the European Parliament to issue new public procurement directives that improve the proceedings, serve sustainable development and innovation, as well as aim to increase the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises. The outline of the important aspects of the European discussion about effective expenditure of public funds presented by the author inspires the objective of this article, which is to illustrate the procedures used in contracts in selected Member States of the European Union. An analysis of the sources of law, the size and structure of the market, as well as individual procedures formulated the following conclusion of the above topic. The needed modernisation and compulsory implementation of the directives in the direction of the unification of the public procurement law in the European Union is needed to create an effective single market which guarantees equal treatment. Analysing literature, national and foreign, the intended purpose of the article is reached, using the method of the document.