@article{a808b580-193c-41df-ad7c-51ea965de7b5, author = {Włodzimierz Cezary Włodarczyk}, title = {Uwagi o szczepieniach w czasie pandemii w Polsce }, journal = {Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie}, volume = {2021}, number = {Tom 19, Numer 1}, year = {2021}, issn = {1731-7398}, pages = {21-34},keywords = {pandemia COVID-19; ograniczenia wolności; polityka zdrowotna; Polska; postawy społeczne; ruchy antyszczepionkowe; środki ochrony osobistej; walka z pandemią}, abstract = {The Vaccinations during COVID-19 pandemics in Poland When pandemics Covid 19 hit Poland, the people’s readiness to observe the recommended rules of rational healthy behaviour was partially hampered by the lasting activities of anti-vaccination circles which were appearing at grass root level and among parliamentary politicians. These activities were supported by a component the medical persons who provided an impression of professional authority. This situation to the growing scepticism in the face of rational sanitary recommendations, the fact what was revealed the social attitudes investigations. Decision-makers’ negligence who implemented many inappropriate legislative measures also contributed to the disappointing effects. Sometimes the authorities tried to withdraw partly from this mistake - obligatory masks wearing is an example - but such facts did not strengthen people’s willingness to follow recommendations. The authorities abandoned its concern of employees and clients health and refused to equip the management with the rights to check up their vaccination status. Following the same line the Government confirmed the Universities could not verify the students’ vaccination status or implement any restrictions for unvaccinated. The rectors trying to undertake any measures were criticised. It is justified to assert that decision-makers’ mistakes contributed at least partially to smaller efficiency anti-pandemic interventions, than this was potentially possible. Key words: anti-vaccination movements, face coverings, mobility restrictions, pandemics Covid 19, Poland, pandemic intervention, personal protection equipment, social attitudes}, doi = {10.4467/20842627OZ.21.004.15276}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/artykul/uwagi-o-szczepieniach-w-czasie-pandemii-w-polsce} }