%0 Journal Article %T Niepełnosprawność wzroku nabyta w późnej dorosłości a aktywność fizyczna seniorów %A Czerwińska, Kornelia %A Kucharczyk, Izabella %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2019 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.19.020.11850 %N Nr 34 (2019) %P 99-113 %K aktywność fizyczna, niepełnosprawność wzroku, utrata wzroku, późna dorosłość %@ 2080-9476 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/niepelnosprawnosc-wzroku-nabyta-w-poznej-doroslosci-a-aktywnosc-fizyczna-seniorow %X Visual impairment acquired in late adulthood and physical activity The population of persons with visual impairment is increasing due to the increasing number of cases of vision loss in the course of life, particularly in late adulthood. Acquiring vision loss in late adulthood is a risk factor for occurrence of additional problems in the area of physical and mental health which result in significant  deterioration of the quality of life. One of the negative effects of adventitious vision loss is decreased physical activity. Developing effective programs which promote physical activity among seniors with acquired vision loss is determined by proper identification of barriers experienced in that area, as well as of motivating factors and  of resources available for that social group. Taking into consideration the increasing global population of persons with visual impairment and numerous advantages (physiological, emotional-social, functional) of regular physical activity, it is necessary to undertake research investigating those issues.