@article{a4c0d9ae-7fb3-43b2-8b19-5a1c4ed6f701, author = {Henryk Martenka }, title = {Koszty zarządzania wizerunkiem na przykładzie Międzynarodowego Konkursu Pianistycznego im. I.J. Paderewskiego w Bydgoszczy (analiza i konkluzje)}, journal = {Zarządzanie w Kulturze}, volume = {2012}, number = {Tom 13, Numer 3}, year = {2012}, issn = {1896-8201}, pages = {185-202},keywords = {laureaci; reklama; nagrody; strategia jednego produktu; struktura budżetu; biurokracja; jurorzy}, abstract = {The cost of image management exemplified by the I.J. Paderewski International Piano The case study presents the mechanism of generating image creating costs. It presents a specific, artistic brand based on a worldwide tested model of an international competition. The examples observed in China, Russia, Japan, the USA, Germany or Great Britain indicate that investing in a topclass music competition fosters national brand creation, which confirms the ambitions of the state institutions as well as the elites. On numerous occasions such a situation is accompanied by the identification with homeland culture and exploitation of one’s own native artists, which may be illustrated by the piano competitions named after P. Czajkowski, F. Chopin, W.A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven, G. Enescu or F. Busoni. The analysis of a specific draft budget presents the anticipated costs to attract jurors, offer adequate financial prizes, and what is most important, prizes in the form of concert tours and contracts with renowned impresarios. Not uncommonly the draft budget is subject to unexpected alternations, which in result complicates the financial settlement of the Competition. Additionally, bureaucracy relating to grant obtainment complicates the organization of the Competition, and this situation tends to afflict competition organizers worldwide. An important element contributing to the strengthening of a competition brand consits in the dissemination of related information in specialist media and the Internet. Insofar as the Net is free of charge, the specialist press requires financial outlays that significantly increase the costs of Competition production; still even high costs guarantee a prompt recovery of outlays by creating a prestigious brand.}, doi = {10.4467/20843976ZK.12.005.0619}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/koszty-zarzadzania-wizerunkiem-na-przykladzie-miedzynarodowego-konkursu-pianistycznego-im-i-j-paderewskiego-w-bydgoszczy-analiza-i-konkluzje} }