TY - JOUR AU - Halberda, Jan TI - <p> Argumentacja historyczno-prawna w orzecznictwie Izby Lordów przełomu XX i XXI wieku na przykładzie nawiązań do sprawy <em>Moses v. MacFerlan</em>  z 1760 roku</p> JF - Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa VL - Tom 8 (2015) PY - 2015 DO = 10.4467/20844131KS.15.012.3818 SN - 2084-4115 C1 - 2084-4131 SP - 199 EP - 214 KW - historia prawa KW - Anglia KW - prawo angielskie KW - common law KW - bezpodstawne wzbogacenie. N2 - <p> <strong>Arguments of a Legal Historical Nature as Found in Judicial Decisions Taken by the House of Lords at the Turn of the 21st Century and Illustrated by References to the Case Moses v. MacFerlan 1760</strong></p> <p> <br /> Through an analysis of cases of unjust enrichment (law of restitution), and investigation of the lines along which the judges invoked the landmark case of Moses v. MacFerlan (1760), the author of the paper discusses the role played by legal history in disputes carried on in the House of Lords. After elaborating the details of the aforementioned case (2), he presents the doctrine of implied contract that prevailed in the 19th century (3), and discusses the opinions of the Lords articulated at the turn of the twenty-first century on the occasion of their discussing the meaning of the principle of unjust enrichment (4a). Likewise he discusses the introduction into English law of the change of position defense (4b), and comments on court decisions on interest (4c). Finally, the author investigates references to legal history as made in order to justify the overruling of precedent (5).<br /> <br />  </p> UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/argumentacja-historyczno-prawna-w-orzecznictwie-izby-lordow-przelomu-xx-i-xxi-wieku-na-przykladzie-nawiazan-do-sprawy-moses-v-macferlan-z-1760-roku