@article{a22b009a-eca9-4098-b2b1-bcccdd05a12c, author = {Michał Choiński}, title = {„Szkiełko i oko” czy „czucie i wiara”? Tłumacząc The Aurora Borealis at Rørvik Tamary Yoseloff na język polski..}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {2006}, number = {Numer 17 – Poezja i proza przekładu}, year = {2008}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {200-206},keywords = {}, abstract = {The article reports on the process of translation of Tamar Yoseloff’s The Aurora Borealis at Rørvik into Polish. In order to produce a satisfactory rendering, I first made an attempt at interpreting the poem and investigating all the elements of its construction, e.g. the sound qualities of the words and phrases that appear in the text. The Aurora Borealis at Rørvik is built around the contrast between the epistemological stances of two groups of people that appear in the poem: one represents a rational, the other a more romanticised outlook on the world. This contrast reminds one of a Polish Romantic ballad Romantyczność by Adam Mickiewicz, where sight and lenses and feeling and faith, so well-known in Polish culture, represent a similar antinomy.  }, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/szkielko-i-oko-czy-czucie-i-wiara-tlumaczac-the-aurora-borealis-at-rorvik-tamary-yoseloff-na-jezyk-polski} }