@article{a21bf8b4-7b57-4887-872e-ed2105dfb7e4, author = {Mateusz Bartoszewicz, Filip Gołębiewski}, title = {Paradoks opłacalności. Stronniczość polityczna na polskim rynku medialnym – próba syntezy}, journal = {Zarządzanie Mediami}, volume = {2021}, number = {Tom 9, Numer 1}, year = {2021}, issn = {}, pages = {55-80},keywords = {media bias; political parallelism; Polish public debate; journalism; managing the media system}, abstract = {The profitability paradox. Political bias on the Polish media market – an attempt of a synthesis The study includes an attempt to synthesize the basic trends of political bias of 14 relevant media entities appearing on the Polish media market in a context of their readership and viewership. Searching for an intersubjectively consistent analytical perspective, the authors use critical and comparative analysis of the results of empirical research contained in the literature of the subject, as well as the content of specialized institutional reports, with a respect to the methods of critique of sources. Due to the processual nature of the development of the media market in Poland, some of the results of empirical research cited goes back to year 2010 but the vast majority concerns year 2015 and the next ones. In the introduction, the authors refer to the universal agreement of researchers of the quality of Polish public debate regarding its critical assessment. The first section of the article contains a description of the methodological assumptions made. The next three contain an attempt to synthesize the basic bias trends of relevant media titles within each of the three segments of media activity: [1] the press sector of nationwide dailies; [2] the weekly sector of opinion-forming magazines; and [3] the 24-hour news television sector. The last part of the study contains conclusions and reference to the research results of the political parallelism concept. JEL: L820}, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.21.002.13050}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/paradoks-oplacalnosci-stronniczosc-polityczna-na-polskim-rynku-medialnym-proba-syntezy} }