@article{9f1cbc95-1b8d-49be-9700-9ddbfcfdc003, author = {Alicja Meyer}, title = {Zachęcanie dzieci do aktywności fizycznej w czasopiśmie „Świerszczyk”}, journal = {Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna}, volume = {2021}, number = {2 (18)/2021}, year = {2021}, issn = {2353-7140}, pages = {85-87},keywords = {dziecko; aktywność fizyczna; czasopisma dla dzieci}, abstract = {Encouraging children’s physical activity based on the “Świerszczyk” magazine Referring to the diversity of books and magazines, in terms of expanding reading among the youngest and shaping and shaping positive pro-health attitudes, it is worth paying attention to the role that literature plays in shaping these attitudes. Based on the magazine “Świerszczyk”, the author decided to present the motif of the movement that was captured in the magazine. On this basis, it was presented how to properly shape and expand children’s willingness to contact the book, as well as the importance of contact with the book for the child’s development. Through contact with literature, you can pass on knowledge to children in every possible field, as well as encourage physical activity. Children have a natural need to move, which should be supported, developed and stimulated by encouraging them to various forms and physical activities. In addition to translating and teaching correct lifestyle patterns. With the help of literature, stories and magazines, we can shape these attitudes in them, at the same time counteracting developmental abnormalities, chronic diseases, obesity and posture defects. An important factor in the proper development of a child is the awareness and willingness of parents to pass on the right models. Keywords: child, physical activity, children’s magazines}, doi = {10.4467/23537159PPW.21.020.15180}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ppiw/artykul/zachecanie-dzieci-do-aktywnosci-fizycznej-w-czasopismie-swierszczyk} }