%0 Journal Article %T W prowincjonalnym mieście na ziemiach zachodnich. O Prokuraturze Sądu Okręgowego w Głogowie z siedzibą w Nowej Soli (1945–1950) %A Siemaszko, Karol %J Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa %V Tom 14 (2021) %R 10.4467/20844131KS.21.014.13522 %N Tom 14, Zeszyt 2 %P 205-219 %K Prosecutor’s Office, Recovered Territories, judicature; Głogów, prokuratura, Ziemie Odzyskane, sądownictwo powszechne %@ 2084-4115 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kshpp/artykul/w-prowincjonalnym-miescie-na-ziemiach-zachodnich-o-prokuraturze-sadu-okregowego-w-glogowie-z-siedziba-w-nowej-soli-1945-1950 %X In a Provincial City in Western Poland. Concerning the Prosecutor’s Office of the District Court in Głogów with Its Seat in Nowa Sól (1945–1950) After World War II, a number of territories that had belonged to Germany before 1945 were incorpo­rated into those of the Polish state. The change of borders resulted in the need to build structures of the Polish judiciary and prosecutor’s offices in these territories. This article is devoted to describing the functioning of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Regional Court in Głogów with its seat in Nowa Sól. The history of this office is an example of how prosecutors’ offices operated in difficult post-war conditions in the recovered territories, as well as of relations between the prosecutors’ offices and other public authorities such as the Citizens’ Militia or the judiciary.