TY - JOUR TI - Verblose Sätze in fiktionalen Texten: zwischen Statik und Dynamik AU - Behr, Irmtraud TI - Verblose Sätze in fiktionalen Texten: zwischen Statik und Dynamik AB - Verbless sentences may be stative or dynamic, they may refer to actions or to properties of entities. In a narrativ environnement, we will find both types of verbless sentences. Providing a change of view-point and so focussing entities of first or second order (Lyons), dynamic and stative predications can be employed for the story progression, according to the lexical material. VL - 2014 IS - Zeszyt 4 (2014) PY - 2015 SN - 2353-656X C1 - 2353-4893 SP - 285 EP - 292 DO - 10.4467/23534893ZG.14.020.3157 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeitschrift-des-verbandes-polnischer-germanisten/artykul/verblose-satze-in-fiktionalen-texten-zwischen-statik-und-dynamik KW - verbless sentence; dynamic / stative predication; story progression; point of view; figure-ground-constellation