%0 Journal Article %T The Potential for Regional Corporate Philanthropy %A Kolibová, Helena %A Václavíková, Anna %J Rocznik Administracji Publicznej %V 2016 %R 10.4467/24497800RAP.16.030.5123 %N 2016 (2) %P 535-545 %K corporate philanthropy, forms of donations, donator motivation, areas of support, corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, tripleAbottom. %@ 2449-7797 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/rocznik-administracji-publicznej/artykul/the-potential-for-regional-corporate-philanthropy %X Recent years have been marked with variations in the hierarchy and acceptance of post-materialist values in the regional environment of the Czech Republic. In particular, difficult areas in the Moravian-Silesian region still exist. The loss of primary public pressure on environmental protection or companies’ compliance with the requirements of corporate social responsibility was demonstrated somehow. However, philanthropy and an interest in possible tax allowances for donations to charities suggest an increasing trend.