%0 Journal Article %T Individual determinants of propensity to make purchases as part of e-commerce and m-commerce in Polish young consumers %A Budzanowska-Drzewiecka, Małgorzata %J Jagiellonian Journal of Management %V Tom 1 %R 10.4467/2450114XJJM.15.001.3808 %N Numer 1 (2015) %P 7-21 %K zachowania konsumentów, e-commerce, m-commerce, zakupy w internecie, zamiar zakupu, młodzi konsumenci %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/jagiellonian-journal-of-management/artykul/individual-determinants-of-propensity-to-make-purchases-as-part-of-e-commerce-and-m-commerce-in-polish-young-consumers %X The article focuses on identifying shopping intention within e-commerce and m-commerce among Polish young consumers (aged 15−24 years) and personal factors (attitude and gender) which differentiate it. Based on surveys carried out among 383 students from Kraków, the authors collected data which were statistically analysed (ANOVA). The results show a greater propensity to make a purchase by young consumers in the context of e-commerce. The intention to do shopping online (e-commerce and m-commerce) is dependent on the attitude towards these channels. Gender, on the other hand, differentiates only variables related to e-commerce.