%0 Journal Article %T W cieniu Wasona. Kontrola poprawności sylogizmu a posługiwanie się implikacją materialną %A Araszkiewicz, Michał %J Rocznik Kognitywistyczny %V 2010 %N Tom 4 %P 11-18 %@ 1689-927X %D 2011 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/rocznik-kognitywistyczny/artykul/w-cieniu-wasona-kontrola-poprawnosci-sylogizmu-a-poslugiwanie-sie-implikacja-materialna %X In the Shadow of Wason. Checking the Correctness of Syllogism and the Use of Material Implication The goal of this article is to continue the reflection, present for a long time in literature, on the formalisation of conditionals using implications functor. The starting point for discussion is the analysis of logical errors made by Jagiellonian University students in a logic exam. I am specifically interested in the task of monitoring the accuracy of the syllogism, requiring the application of a rule that has the form of logical implication. The outcome of the analysis is in line with the conclusions drawn from Wason selection task experiments.