@article{96364206-ac3d-4208-9c5d-dc4cb3c36b12, author = {Bartosz Kruszyński}, title = {Stres bojowy w kontekście działań kontrrebelianckich sił zbrojnych USA w Operacji Enduring Freedom w Afganistanie}, journal = {Prace Historyczne}, volume = {2014}, number = {Numer 141 (4)}, year = {2015}, issn = {0083-4351}, pages = {925-934},keywords = {stres bojowy; stres bojowy i operacyjny; Afganistan; operacje kontrrebelianckie; obrażenia psychologiczne}, abstract = {Combat stress in the context of counter-insurgency US-led Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan The article discusses the problems associated with combat stress in the context of counter-insurgency US-led Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The author analyzes how this phenomenon was defined historically as well as during the above-mentioned conflict; he tries to define how it could have shaped the behavior of the soldier on the battlefield, what precautions were undertaken to counteract it and what were the consequences of long-term stress on the soldiers.  The author of the article mentions the main factors which generated combat stress and presents the role of leaders in stress management.  Following the theoretical part of the article, the author shows the environment of combat stress on an example of a concrete combat situation and an effective reaction and conduct of the leader-commander in this situation.  American field manuals and literature relating to military medicine – psychiatry, as well as materials published by the US military and government institutions, have been used as source materials for the above publication.  }, doi = {10.4467/20844069PH.14.048.2946}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/stres-bojowy-w-kontekscie-dzialan-kontrrebelianckich-sil-zbrojnych-usa-w-operacji-enduring-freedom-w-afganistanie} }