%0 Journal Article %T Aktywność własna jako czynnik rozwoju wybitnych twórców %A Mendecka, Grażyna %J Psychologia Rozwojowa %V 2012 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.12.005.0380 %N Tom 17, Numer 1 %P 65-76 %K creative development, individual activity, outstanding creativity %@ 1895-6297 %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/aktywnosc-wlasna-jako-czynnik-rozwoju-wybitnych-tworcow %X Individual activity as a factor in the development of outstanding creator Creative activity of a human being results in works valuable both in individual and social terms. Such activity enables man to gain deeper and better insight into the essence and mystery of the world, its guiding principles and to discover what has been so far unknown. The creative potential of a child becomes evident from the first years of spontaneous activity, language acquisition and artistic creations. Due to this potential, a child makes significant progress in getting to know the surrounding world. Such creative impetus goes through subsequent crises quite soon, with increasing conformist behaviour. However, outstanding creativity does not disappear as fast as egalitarian one and for many years its level remains high. The results of research and of biographical analysis carried out by the author concerning outstanding creators show that individual activity of the creators determines whether creative potential is used or not. Moreover, such individual activity remains a dominant factor stimulating the development of creators, while egalitarian creativity is to a large extent determined by environment and upbringing. Strong ego, dominance and nonconformism make creators independent and self-confident individuals, capable of self-determination and strong-minded, in particular as regards their imperative of creative activity in the field they have chosen. Due to individual activity one does not succumb to the pressure of the surrounding, but exerts independent control upon one’s own resources and the environment. The assumption that individual activity constitutes a dominant factor in the development of outstanding creators was supported with the analysis of biographic facts.