%0 Journal Article %T Efficient surfaces for boiling heat transfer enhancement %A Radek, Norbert %A Orman, Łukasz J. %A Kapjor, Andrej %A Sladek, Augustín %J Czasopismo Techniczne %V 2016 %R 10.4467/2353737XCT.16.224.5973 %N Mechanika Zeszyt 4-M 2016 %P 3-8 %K boiling heat transfer, microstructures %@ 0011-4561 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/czasopismo-techniczne/artykul/efficient-surfaces-for-boiling-heat-transfer-enhancement %X The paper discusses the use of efficient surfaces for heat transfer enhancement during a nucleate boiling heat transfer. Distilled water under ambient pressure was the working fluid in the presented experiment. The application of a brass mesh of 0.63 mm aperture and 0.20 mm wire diameter on the surface of a copper heater led to considerable improvement in the value of heat flux at low temperature differences of a few Kelvin, where the enhancement ratio exceeded 2. Such modified surfaces could be used in the design of more efficient heatn exchangers e.g. in refrigeration systems.