%0 Journal Article %T Czy istnieje polsko-chorwacka szkoła przekładu literackiego? %A Wołek-San Sebastian, Katarzyna %J Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843933ST.17.025.7790 %N Volume 12, Issue 4 %P 299-309 %K chorwacko-polski przekład, szkoła przekładu, egzotyzacja, przekład literacki. %@ 1897-3035 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-litteraria-uic/artykul/czy-istnieje-polsko-chorwacka-szkola-przekladu-literackiego %X Does School of Polish-Croatian Literary Translation Exist? The article presents an attempt to answer the question whether Polish-Croatian translation school can be discussed within the framework of literary translation. Features of the potentially existing school are discussed, namely, the conditions of formation and functioning, chronological and geographical scope, accomplishments in the area of translation and translation studies, as well as the impact on the contemporary translation practice and teaching translation. There are several arguments in favour of the existence of the Polish-Croatian translation school. For example translators from 60s and 70s used a specifi c strategy for translating culturally marked elements (terms specifi c for a given culture, that are not present in the other) defi ned here as didactical source-orientation. Although neither their traductological discourse nor the ideal of a translator-popularizer (meaning that they weren’t only translators but also authors of guides, organisers of cultural events, etc.) differs broadly enough from the Polish equivalents to advocate distinctiveness of those translation schools.