%0 Journal Article %T Więcej niż tysiąc słów. Perswazyjne działanie zdjęć prasowych %A Maćkiewicz, Jolanta %J Media Biznes Kultura %V 2018 %R 10.4467/25442554.MBK.18.002.9281 %N Numer 1 (4) 2018 %P 25-34 %K multimodalność, fotografia, perswazja, argumentacja %@ 2451-1986 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/media-biznes-kultura/artykul/wiecej-niz-tysiac-slow-perswazyjne-dzialanie-zdjec-prasowych %X More than thousand words. Persuasive function of iconic elements The article is dealing with the problem of multimodal messages with persuasive function. It is concentrated on the role of iconic elements, and more specifically – photographs, in persuasion. The weekly „Polityka” was the source of examples. The analysis of the four examples shows that photographs not only attract attention and affect emotions but co-create and strengthen argumentation as well.