@article{8f0fa99f-2114-416c-98ea-660b4d1b7573, author = {Maria Rogińska}, title = {Relacje nauki i religii. Strategie światopoglądowe polskich przyrodników}, journal = {Studia Religiologica}, volume = {2015}, number = {Tom 48, Numer 1}, year = {2015}, issn = {0137-2432}, pages = {83-99},keywords = {nauka; religia; biologia; fizyka; wywiad pogłębiony ; science; religion; biology; physics; in-depth interview}, abstract = {The Relationship of Science and Religion. Ideological Strategies of Polish Scientists The article summarises 50 in-depth interviews with Polish physicists and biologists, focusing on the relationship between science and religion. The conflict paradigm is rejected by the majority of respondents. The author makes an attempt to reconstruct the argumentation strategies they use to justify their worldview.}, doi = {10.4467/20844077SR.15.006.3135}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/relacje-nauki-i-religii-strategie-swiatopogladowe-polskich-przyrodnikow} }