%0 Journal Article %T Finansowanie festiwali muzyki poważnej na przykładzie Międzynarodowego Festiwalu „Muzyka w Starym Krakowie” w latach 2011–2020 %A Król, Magdalena B. %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20843976ZK.20.003.12037 %N Tom 21, Numer 1 %P 19-37 %K festiwale, festiwale muzyki poważnej, finansowanie publiczne, sponsoring / festivals, classical music festivals, public funding, sponsorship %@ 1896-8201 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/finansowanie-festiwali-muzyki-powaznej-na-przykladzie-miedzynarodowego-festiwalu-muzyka-w-starym-krakowie-w-latach-2011-2020 %X Financing Classical Music Festivals on the Example of the International Festival “Music in Old Krakow” in 2011–2020 The publication deals with the topic of raising funds from public and private sources by organizers of classical music festivals in Poland. It presents the results of own research in which an attempt was made to find an answer to the question from what sources how and with what result do the organizers of classical music festivals obtain funds for their implementation? The research was conducted in the field of obtaining funds for the implementation of the Festival “Music in Old Krakow” in the years 2011–2020. Nowadays, one of the most valued competences of people involved in organizing festivals is the ability to raise funds, as financing festivals from various sources is not only an art but it has become a necessity.