@article{8e2ce39e-c793-4d3f-8f37-aacd95a3ffba, author = {Irena Stawowy-Kawka}, title = {Małe grupy mniejszościowe na Bałkanach i problem ich samoidentyfikacji: procesy transgresji na przykładzie Goranów}, journal = {Studia Środkowoeuropejskie i Bałkanistyczne}, volume = {2017}, number = {Tom XXVI}, year = {2018}, issn = {2451-4993}, pages = {221-232},keywords = {transgresja; Gora; Goranie; Kosowo; tożsamość etniczna}, abstract = {The article uses the theory of Józef Kozielecki, which is the subject matter of his reflections in his work: Transgresja i kultura. Transgressive actions are actions of the “outside” – changing the existing status quo. At the same time, in this case transgression is directed “towards people” in order for them to unite (so-called community transgressions). Moving from one group to another and adopting a different model of competence, patterns of cultural behaviour, is characteristic for the Goranie people living on the border of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. The Goranie, depending on the political, economic, warfare situation, in order to survive or improve their economic situation, directed their steps towards their Slavic neighbours, identifying with them, adopting their life style, official language, some customs. In the first years of the 21st century, it is becoming more and more typical to build a Goranie ethnic identity and to maintain the “Našinski” language, which is used only at home, as it has not been recognized in any country they live in. Further processes of Goranie transgression, a transition from one group to another, in this case to the Albanian group, and adopting a different model of competence, patterns of cultural behaviour are inevitable in the near future. This is mainly due to the difficult economic conditions of the Goranie and the life of the Albanian enclave.}, doi = {10.4467/2543733XSSB.17.034.8332}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ssb/artykul/male-grupy-mniejszosciowe-na-balkanach-i-problem-ich-samoidentyfikacji-procesy-transgresji-na-przykladzie-goranow} }